“Twilight” Fan Kelly Clarkson Talks “New Moon” Song “Empty As I Am”

December 23rd, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Like the millions of people who have made Robert Pattinson and Stephenie Meyer superstars, Kelly Clarkson is a big fan of the Twilight series. In fact, Clarkson classified herself as a “nerd Twilight fan” in a recent interview with MYX in which she confirms she and her backup singers penned a song about New Moon before the soundtrack to the film was finalized. “Empty As I Am,” written from the perspective of the series’ heroine Bella, didn’t end up on the film’s soundtrack, but but you can listen to a raw version of the track on Idolator. “It’s a sweet song, but it’s pretty sad,” Clarkson says, noting, “but it’s a sad book. [The books are] very relatable — everyone goes through those emotions.”

While the song might be closer thematically and lyrically to anything that actually wound up on the New Moon soundtrack, “Empty As I Am” sounds quite different from the tracks by Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, the Killers, Grizzly Bear and Death Cab for Cutie that ended up on the disc. “It’s a really sad book,” Clarkson says of New Moon and the inspiration behind the song. “It’s the one where she gets left behind, a Romeo and Juliet tragic kind of thing.”

Luckily for Clarkson, she’ll have two — and potentially three, if they slice Breaking Dawn into two films — more chances to appear on a Twilight Saga soundtrack. In case she needed any more inspiration, New Moon werewolf Taylor Lautner was recently on the cover of Rolling Stone:

• Taylor Lautner’s Wild Ride: The New Issue of Rolling Stone
• The Man on the “Moon”: Q&A With “Twilight Saga” Director Weitz
• Jacob’s Lautner: New Moon Werewolf on Twilight’s Steamy Love Triangle
• Taylor Lautner: “New Moon” ’s Teen Wolf Hits the Beach With Ro...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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