Aerosmith’s Kramer Speaks Out About Aerosmith Singer Search

November 17th, 2009 by Patrick Doyle Leave a reply »

Photo: Barket/Getty
At a book signing Saturday afternoon at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut, Aerosmith drummer Joey Kramer confirmed the band is experiencing “personal differences,” and will seek a new singer should Steven Tyler depart to pursue “brand Tyler,” as the frontman recently told Classic Rock magazine. “What kind of singer? A real, real good one,” Kramer said.

“Just like writers write and dancers dance, we’re musicians,” he added. “We make music. That’s what we want to continue to do, so whatever we have to do to move forward in that direction, that’s what will happen.”

Aerosmith Live: Check out four decades of onstage shots.

Kramer, promoting his new book Hit Hard, took questions from about a hundred fans from a stage in the casino’s smoky lounge. While Kramer said he wishes Tyler the best in pursuing a solo career, he said the band does not want to wait for him. “[Steven] wants to do what he wants to do,” Kramer said. “That’s great. I support him. I will always love him. I have always supported him … but we want to play too. I can’t sit around for two years and not play my drums — or not function as a band.”

Kramer said he has specific criteria in mind for a new vocalist. “There’s a difference between a singer and what I call a frontman or a performer,” he said. “Luckily for us, Steven is both of those and probably the best out there. If he chooses to go pursue a solo career for a while, then it would have to be somebody that can in my opinion have to do both — that would have to be able to perform the songs as well as sing them.”

Kramer added earlier, “I’d love to hear suggestions.”

One fan told Kramer he hopes the band will work things out an...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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