Announcing the Bigger, Bolder

April 16th, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

On Monday, April 19th, you will be looking at at the new — a cleaner, easier-to-navigate site that’ll boost our regular doses of daily rock news, photo galleries and music reviews with new audio and video features. We’ll also be debuting three new blogs: Rob Sheffield on pop culture, David Fricke on music and Matt Taibbi on politics.

We’ll also be introducing “Rolling Stone All Access,” which will give those who sign up full contents of each new issue as it hits newsstands and the key to the entire Rolling Stone archives. You’ll be able to lose yourself in every issue since we started back in San Francisco in November 1967. Every review we ever published, every cover and the deepest, most thoughtful interviews with rock legends, from John Lennon to Lil Wayne, Bob Dylan to Kurt Cobain — and 43 years of journalism that has defined our times, from Hunter S. Thompson to P.J. O’Rourke to Matt Taibbi.

So stay tuned: you’re just days away from the future of


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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