Artie Lange Hospitalized After Alleged Suicide Attempt

January 7th, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Wintrow/Getty
Howard Stern Show sidekick Artie Lange is in the hospital after reportedly stabbing himself nine times this past weekend in an apparent suicide attack, the New York Post reports. Of the nine injuries, six have been termed “hesitation wounds” while three are more serious, deeply penetrating Lange’s body. Lange was found bloodied at his Hoboken, New Jersey apartment by his mother Saturday morning and was rushed to the hospital.

Flip through photos of Artie Lange from childhood to the Stern show.

Last year, Rolling Stone contributing editor Vanessa Grigoriadis spent time with the troubled comic for an RS feature which delved into Lange’s history of drug problems. In fact, when Rolling Stone’s photographer went to Lange’s apartment to photograph “America’s Biggest Loser,” Lange was admittedly in the middle of a five-day heroin bender. Lange would later call Grigoriadis an “uppity bitch” on the Stern program after the feature hit stands, but in our story behind the story, Grigoriadis defended her story and its unrelenting portrait of Lange.

“We all have our demons,” Stern said on his radio program this week. “Artie has given this show tremendous moments of great comedy. He is a good man. Don’t forget how great he is.” Stern reportedly hasn’t spoken to Lange in over a month, when Lange suddenly stopped appearing on the morning program. The early hour job has long been stressful for Lange, who told Grigoriadis that he spent his nights up late doing standup and partying, then got up pre-dawn to do the Stern program. “Look I got into comedy so I could stay out all night,” Lange said. “And I get the one fucking great job in comedy that’s like having a paper route.”

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Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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