Behind the All-American Rejects’ “I Wanna” Video: Exclusive Photos

October 16th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Ari Michelson

Never-ending house parties, camera phones, lawn animals, inflatable pools and jock-strap bathing suits — they’re all key ingredients in the All-American Rejects‘ video for “I Wanna,” the latest clip from their third album When the World Comes Down. “This video is crazy. The premise is there’s been a party that’s been going on for days and days and days, and in walks this little vixen with this alpha-male,” Rejects frontman Tyson Ritter tells Rolling Stone. “So she walks in, and throughout the video, it’s this sort-of give and take of memories we’ve had in the past juxtaposed with this trick that we do with these camera phones.”

Go behind the All-American Rejects’ “I Wanna” video shoot in exclusive photos.

Yes, lots (and lots) of LG camera phones. Ritter knows exactly what you’re thinking. “At first glance, you might be like, ‘Well, that’s a little whorish,’ but it’s kind of a neat trick,” Ritter says, and he has a point: the camera phones do add another dimension to the action and propel the plot. “We’re a band that’s always used tricks in our video,” Ritter says. ” ‘Dirty Little Secret’ was a little trick with the postcards and ‘Move Along’ was a little trick with the camera and ‘Gives You Hell’ was a little trick with me playing two people, I feel like this is the timeline trick with the camera phone.”

In one of the funniest moments in the video, nude drummer Chris Gaylor guzzles beer in an inflatable pool with strategically placed camera phones blocking his naughtiest bits. But you’re not going to get a look at Gaylor in his birthday suit in our behind-the-scenes photos, which reveal he did the shoot in his jock ...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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