Brad Nowell’s Estate Threatens Legal Action Against Sublime Reunion

October 23rd, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Eichner/WireImage

In late February, the surviving members of Sublime (bassist Eric Wilson and drummer Bud Gaugh) performed at a Mexican restaurant in Nevada with a new vocalist named Rome stepping in for late singer-guitarist Brad Nowell, who died of a heroin overdose over a decade ago. The trio recently announced they will perform their first concert as “Sublime” since May 24th, 1996 — the day before Nowell passed away — tomorrow at Devore, California’s Smokeout Festival. Wilson and Gaugh have said they’re reluctant to call the show a “reunion,” preferring to call it a “celebration.” Bradley Nowell’s estate thinks the event be classified by another name: violation.

In a statement released today, Nowell’s family says Brad registered “Sublime” as a trademark under his own name prior to his death, and never intended for any band to use the moniker without him. “Out of respect for Brad’s wishes, we have always refused to endorse any group performing as ‘Sublime,’ and now with great reluctance feel compelled to take the appropriate legal action to protect Brad’s legacy,” the Nowell family writes.

UPDATE: The remaining members of Sublime have responded to the Nowell family in a pair of statements that defend the band’s decision to perform under the Sublime name. The band adds that a United States District Court allowed the trio to perform as Sublime after a temporary restraining order from the Nowell family was unsuccessful.

Read all three full statements after the jump.

Nowell family statement:

“It was recently announced that Sublime bassist Eric Wilson and Sublime drummer Floyd ‘Bud’ Gaugh are ‘reuniting’ and teaming with singer and guitarist Rome Ramirez in a band they inte...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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