Chairlift and Passion Pit Swap Remixes: Hear the Tracks

October 14th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Passion Pit and Chairlift met backstage at the catering tent at Bonnaroo and developed a fast friendship after hanging out at a secret garden party in England. “I actually played drums on ‘Bruises’ that night,” recalls Passion Pit’s drummer Nate Donmoyer. Now the two bands have turned their mutual admiration into music: Passion Pit remixed Chairlift’s chipper “Bruises,” and Chairlift took a hack at Passion Pit’s squiggly “To Kingdom Come.” Hear the results below and grab downloads after the jump.

Passion Pit’s Remix of Chairlift’s “Bruises”:

Chairlift’s Remix of Passion Pit’s “To Kingdom Come”:

Each band took a different approach to the remix project. “Ayad [Al Adhamy] and I started it on tour and luckily I had some time at home to finish it off and give it the Daft Punk ‘Superheroes’-esque ending,” Donmoyer says. Chairlift started “with the very simple idea of running every track through a Roland Space Echo,” says bassist-keyboardist-drummer Patrick Wimberly. “After running all the tracks through the delay unit, there was this washy wall of sound to work with. From there, we start sampling Brazilian drums, claves, and anything we had laying around to create some loops.”

So what did the two bands think when they heard their tunes reworked by their pals? “Their bruises remix was immediately funny to me,” Wimberly says. “If you’re a recording geek like me, you notice right when the vocals come in that they are pitched down a bit from the original,” he explains. ” “I always love snares on the offbeat, it’s almost like chopped-and-screwed soca-dub,” Donmoyer says of the Chairlift mix. “I love all the delays and space...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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