Chris Brown Clarifies King Interview, Says He Recalls Rihanna Incident

September 1st, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Harrison/Getty

Chris Brown insists in a new statement that he has blurry memories of his February 8th incident with Rihanna, despite reports and video of Brown telling Larry King he didn’t recall all the events of that night. Brown blames Larry King’s producers for the quote, saying he was pressed on a subject he didn’t want to discuss, and that editing mishaped his intended statements. The full episode airs September 2nd at 9 p.m.

Brown said King asked him numerous times about what unfolded in the Lamborghini the night of February 8th, but for Rihanna’s sake, Brown didn’t want to discuss what transpired. After being asked a fifth time, Brown now says he simply replied that he doesn’t remember in an effort to push the conversation along. The clip of Brown offering that response hit the Internet yesterday.

“Of course I remember what happened. Several times during the interview, my mother said that I came to her right afterwards and told her everything. But it was and still is a blur,” Brown said in the statement. To avoid accusations from Brown that we edited down his statement and took it out of context, you can read the entirety of Brown’s explanation below.

In another clip from the Larry King show, King asks Brown about some of the comments he made to Rihanna (”You threatened to beat the blank out of her”) and asks how someone like Brown who is seemingly so calm can just become so violent. “That night is one of the nights I wish I can just take back, and I really regret and feeling totally ashamed of what I did,” Brown tells King. Brown’s mother Joyce Hawkins and lawyer Mark Geragos will join Brown on the program. As Rock Daily reported yesterday, Brown tells King that he is still in love with Rihanna, despite a protective order in his plea bargain sente...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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