Clarkson, Beyonce Song Similarity Dust-Up Draws Tedder Reaction

July 29th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Pimentel/WireImage(Clarkson), Lovekin/Getty(Tedder), Warner/WireImage(Beyonce)
OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder is speaking out about Kelly Clarkson’s claims that her new single “Already Gone” is built on the same backing track as Beyoncé’s “Halo.” Tedder released a statement acknowledging that he penned both tracks, but arguing they are “entirely different songs conceptually, melodically and lyrically,”MJ’s Big Blog reports. As Rock Daily wrote yesterday, Clarkson lobbied against releasing All I Ever Wanted’s “Already Gone” as a single because of the similarities between “Gone” and “Halo”; she wanted to avoid releasing the single out of respect to Beyoncé. (Despite her protests, “Already Gone” was released and Clarkson starred in the song’s video.)

“‘Already Gone’ is one of the best song I’ve written or produced since [Leona Lewis’] ‘Bleeding Love’ and stands tall on its own merits apart from ‘Halo,’ ” Tedder wrote, adding, “I would never try to dupe an artist such as Kelly Clarkson or Beyoncé into recording over the same musical track, the idea is both hurtful & absurd.” It’s a strong statement but not an outright denial that both songs feature the same backing track — it reads like Tedder would never intentionally mislead artists into recording over the same backing track — so maybe it was an accident? Listen and compare for yourself after the jump.

Clarkson criticized Tedder concerning the backing tracks, telling the CBC, “No one’s gonna be sittin’ at home, thinking, ‘Man, Ryan Tedder gave Beyoncé and Kelly the same track to write to.’ No, they’re just gonna be saying I ripped someone off. I calle...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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