Complaints Over Adam Lambert’s AMAs Performance Posted Online

January 6th, 2010 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Adam Lambert’s performance of “For Your Entertainment” closed the American Music Awards and opened a world of controversy for the American Idol star. Rolling Stone reported that only 1,500 of the show’s 14 million viewers wrote letters of complaint to the FCC after the singer simulated oral sex with his male backup dancer and enjoyed a make-out session with a male keyboardist on live television. Now, a Website called Why Not Glambert? has made use of our Freedom of Information Act and posted a handful of these indecency reports.

Adam Lambert shocks, Taylor Swift soars: see the 2009 AMAs in photos.

Anyone who spent any time in the comments section of our original Lambert AMAs story has a good sense of what made viewers mad, and the ongoing theme on Why Not Glambert? is that Lambert’s performance was “inappropriate.” That term alone is used seven times in the first nine letters of complaint. A few parents stressed that their young children were watching the broadcast to catch a glimpse of Lambert’s first post-Idol performance and were shocked at what they saw. “The entire show pushed the limits of good taste, especially since this program was billed as a ‘family show.’ There was nothing ‘family’ about it,” one viewer wrote.

Infamous crotch-rock moments, from Lambert’s AMAs to “Dick in a Box.”

In the West Coast feed of the AMAs, the performance was toned down slightly thanks to some quick editing. As Rolling Stone previously reported, the “FCC heat” that followed the AMAs cost Lambert performances on ABC programs like Good Morning America, The Jimmy Kimmel Show and Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve. Following the controversy, Lambert wrote on his Twitter, “Goin in a new direction now. Focus back on the music. Don’t worry friends: I’m still gonna be me. Always. W/o apologies. Just gonna experim...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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