Creed’s Stapp Talks Breakup, Make-Up and Shaved Head

August 7th, 2009 by D.X. Ferris Leave a reply »

In his dressing room before Creed’s first gig of a two-month tour, frontman Scott Stapp was so calm, you’d think the hotly anticipated trek was a victory lap. But he knows they have a lot of work to do if they’re going to compete for their share of rock fans from the Nickelback-Daughtry nation that’s sprung up in their absence. “Right now, we have feel like we have a second chance to make a first impression as artists,” said Stapp, who’s weathered addiction and assorted trials since the band split. “And reintroduce ourselves in 2009 and beyond. Our record’s going to speak for itself.”

Read Rolling Stone’s report from Creed’s Full Circle tour launch here.

Surrounded by candles, Stapp strummed an acoustic guitar, with an annotated Bible open on the table in front of him, next to a closed copy of The Art of War. He put down the guitar, and played the rocking title track from the band’s upcoming album, Full Circle, on his laptop as he spoke with Rolling Stone, focused and relaxed.

How do you feel? Any stage fright?
Good. Excited. I have… a butterfly’s calmness. If we didn’t have any nerves, we wouldn’t be human. But I feel comfortable in this situation. I feel comfortable with these guys, in this band. It’s almost like a calmness before the storm.

The reunion came together pretty fast.
We talked in December, about some things that needed to be said. The words that were said were, “If I hurt you in any way, please forgive me.” And then hugs and talk about families. It was a real organic process. I don’t think we could make new music and bare our souls and reclaim the chemistry, that thing we had, if it wasn’t real. Just realizing that short period of late 2002, early 2003, was just an aberration.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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