Death Cab for Cutie’s “New Moon” Video “Meet Me at the Equinox” Premieres: Watch It Now

October 8th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Death Cab for Cutie’s video for “Meet Me on the Equinox,” the first single from the soundtrack for Twilight sequel New Moon, premiered last night at MTV. Death Cab may have written the moodily sexy track, but they take a backseat in the video and let Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson steal the spotlight in clips from the movie. (Watch the full video, after the jump.)

Peter Travers breaks down all of the fall’s most anticipated films.

Ben Gibbard, or Mr. Zooey Deschanel, and the rest of Death Cab simply perform the song in a sun-soaked room for the first half of the song, but when the 1:50 mark hits, DCFC stop playing and stare reflectively, like they’re frozen in time, as the light in the room changes. The lyrics of the song make frequent reference to the position of the sun — a matter of great concern to a vampire: “the sun is perched at its highest peak at the middle of the day.”

Read about Twilight mastermind Stephenie Meyer’s musical muses.

The video will certainly whet the appetite of Twilight die-hards, though many of the film clips in the video were included in the trailer that debuted during MTV’s Video Music Awards. As Death Cab sing about how “everything ends,” Robert Pattinson kisses Stewart farewell in a forest, and she struggles with his memory, seeing visions of him wherever she turns, eventually plunging into the ocean and tracking him down again.

As Rolling Stone previously reported, Death Cab will be joined by Thom Yorke, Grizzly Bear, the Killers, Muse, OK Go, yesterday’s Breaking pick Band of Skulls and many more on the soundtrack. The disc is due out October 20th, with the movie to follow in November.

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• “New Moon” Track List Reveals New Music From Thom Yorke, Killers, Muse

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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