Eminem Talks “Relapse 2″ and Admits He Relates to Michael Jackson in New Interview

December 2nd, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Mazur/WireImage

With Relapse: Refill due out later this month, Eminem has opened up to Complex about a variety of topics, including the addiction that threatened his life, Michael Jackson, Lil Wayne and internet porn. The big news, however, is that Em’s planned Relapse 2 is still in the works despite the release of Refill, and that the reason the sequel to Eminem’s comeback LP was delayed was because the music just kept getting better as Em moved further away from his addiction.

“When I finished Relapse, I had a whole album of material that didn’t make it that I wasn’t ready to throw away, so that was going to be Relapse 2. But then I got with Dre in Hawaii and started recording more, and now the new material has knocked out all the old songs,” Eminem tells Complex. “Making Relapse, I was still working the drugs out of my system, so there was a lot of…just jokey shit. It was a lot of punchline-y, funny, shock value — kind of going back to The Slim Shady LP. And that was cool, but I’ve kind of flipped the page. Now I’m going for songs instead of one-liners.”

Check out photos of Eminem onstage at the Voodoo Festival.

Eminem also found similarities between the depths of his own addiction and the death of Michael Jackson. Eminem’s reliance on prescription medicine is well-documented throughout Relapse — he blames his Vicodin addiction for his massive weight gain during the hiatus — and says being a celebrity with the amount of fame Jackson had could be fatal. “I definitely can relate, and it’s a shame if he didn’t have anybody there to just say, ‘Michael, you’re an addict, you need help,’” says Em, who famously poked fun of Jackson in his 2004 video for “Just Lose It.” “It’s one of the pitfalls of...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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