Flashback: Ween Visit MTV Back When It Was “Oddville”

August 14th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

With this week’s news that MTV would be vacating their famed 1515 Broadway studios at year’s end, we figured it’s a great time to look back at the channel’s glory days, when a bizarro late-night talk show called Oddville could feature a musical performance from bizarro musical satirists like Ween and it would be completely normal abnormal-programming (Anyone else remember Austin Stories?) The above video dates back to 1997, when the under-appreciated Gene and Dean Ween performed their Mollusk song “Mutilated Lips.” Twelve years later, the idea of Ween or even Oddville appearing on MTV seems pretty implausible. At least we still have the Video Music Awards.

Bonus Flashback: Beavis and Butthead tell us how they feel about Ween:


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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