Fricke’s Picks: A Blues Wake

December 7th, 2009 by David Fricke Leave a reply »

In August, three days after the death of producer Jim Dickinson at age 67, his son Luther, guitarist in the Black Crowes and the North Mississippi Allstars, organized the ideal wake: Onward and Upward (Memphis International), an acoustic session with Jim’s friends and cohorts, including Sid Selvidge and Jimmy Crosthwait, singing and picking blues and gospel chestnuts as Luther Dickinson and the Sons of Mudboy (a reference to Jim’s notorious band Mudboy and the Neutrons). Jim would have loved the rough edges, determined joy and especially Luther’s solo original, “Let It Roll,” written that day and performed like it came straight from a Son House Paramount-label 78.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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