Hear Rosanne Cash’s “List” Duets With Bruce Springsteen, Wilco Frontman Jeff Tweedy

September 21st, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Lovekin/Getty

For her 12th studio album, The List, Rosanne Cash decided to tackle 12 classic country tunes. Notably, the songs were whittled down from a list of “100 Essential Country Songs” that her legendary father gave her as homework as a teenager in 1973. As just a small part of our Fall Music Preview, Rolling Stone has streams of two of the tracks, featuring guest appearances from some of her famous friends. Bruce Springsteen joins the singer on a cover of Hal David and Paul Hampton’s “Sea of Heartbreak,” while Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy joins Rosanne for a version of the country death ballad “Long Black Veil” — famously covered by Johnny himself at Folsom Prison.

Hear both songs at our preview for The List.

And don’t miss the 59 other albums featured in our Fall Music Preview.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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