Hear Smashing Pumpkins’ Psych-Protest Song “A Stitch in Time”

March 2nd, 2010 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Waisman/FilmMagic

Billy Corgan’s Smashing Pumpkins have unveiled “A Stitch in Time,” the third track from the mammoth 44-song project Teargarden by Kaleidyscope, on Soundcloud and the band’s official Website, where the song — like its Teargarden predecessors — is available as a free download. While Corgan’s previous Teargarden tracks were seemingly Zeppelin-inspired — from the Zoso epic rock of “A Song for a Son” to the Houses of the Holy-flavored “Widow Wake My Mind” — “A Stitch in Time” is as psychedelic as the album’s title itself, a stoned minstrel folk track that sounds like Corgan filled out his new Pumpkins with hired guns from the Elephant 6 collective.

Smashing Pumpkins celebrate 20 years of rock in NYC: photos.

“The song came in during a stream of consciousness moment while sitting backstage at a Pumpkins concert in those wee, still hours between soundcheck and the show. The lyrics came just as surprisingly fast as the music, and the whole process took about 20 minutes,” Corgan said in a Q&A emailed to the press. “I recorded it on my phone, and so for a year it was the only document I had of the song. But the song stuck with me and I put it in my back pocket as something worth coming back to later.” Corgan calls the track a protest song, “What I am protesting I’m not sure but it has something to do with real inner freedom and the consequence of what it means to be free.”

“A Stitch in Time” will be packaged with “A Song for a Son,” “Widow Wake My Mind” and an upcoming track called “Astral Planes” to comprise the first limited edition EP from the Teargarden package. The first EP, Volume 1/Songs For a Sailor, will be released April 20th. As...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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