Hype Monitor: Bang Bang Eche, Pants Yell, Liturgy

November 12th, 2009 by J. Edward Keyes Leave a reply »

The Band: Bang Bang Eche
The Buzz: New Zealand outfit fronted by one T’Nealle Worsley makes raw, riotous, ice-cold synth rock sharp enough to cut stale bread.
Listen If: You’re a DJ at a German nightclub looking for new tracks to power a long night.
Key Track: The raucous “4 to the Floor,” which is whipped around by a hyperactive guitar and Worsley’s stern vocal recitation.

The Band: Pants Yell
The Buzz: Boston art school grads apply their acumen to indie pop, writing shy, retiring songs laced up with grizzled guitar — the kind of compositions the quiet kid in 4th grade was scribbling in his notebook as he sat forlorn at the back of the class.
Listen If: You were that kid.
Key Track: The buoyant “Magenta and Green,” where a bounding guitar line tugs the precious melody forward, making it the kind of heartwarming kindergarten sing-along that brightens any cloudy day.

The Band: Liturgy
The Buzz: Mighty Brooklyn black metallers conjure the devil as well as any of their Scandinavian counterparts, using hammering riffs to split the earth and unleash the demons.
Listen If: You love telling the story of how and why Varg killed Euronymous.
Key Track: The blinding “Pagan Dawn,” an unholy smear of guitars and wrenching, unearthly vocals.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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