Hype Monitor: Ringers, Olof Arnalds, Gigi

December 10th, 2009 by J. Edward Keyes Leave a reply »

The Band: Ringers
The Buzz: Certifiable proof punk is far from dead, this Boston band that sprung from the ashes of the band Sirens (they have a thing for one-word plurals apparently) give hope to anyone who loves ragged, hook-laden music delivered with a throat that sounds like it’s been floor-sanded for six years.
Listen If: You still have your beat-up leather jacket from when you were 15, even if it doesn’t fit quite the way it used to.
Key Track: The impossible-to-deny “Conswayla,” with a chorus that should be monopolizing rock radio right this minute.

The Band: Olof Arnalds
The Buzz: Lovely, transcendent Icelandic singer-songwriter writes the kind of music that populates the dreams of angels — fluttering folk songs as fragile as tiny china swans.
Listen If: You like your music as enveloping and comforting as a quilt on a winter night
Key Track: The irresistible “Vid og Vid,” which drifts down like feathers from a burst pillow, the kind of song that raises goosflesh on eardrums.

The Band: Gigi
The Buzz: NGigi takes the Wall of Sound approach to indie pop, gathering up underground mainstays like Rose Melberg and Karl Blau and handing them irresistible throwback-pop to shimmy and shoop their way through.
Listen If: You have a button on your jacket that says “Joe Meek Shall Inherit the Earth.”
Key Track: The grand and booming, “No, My Heart Will Go On,” the perfect floor-filler for your next sock hop.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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