Iggy Pop, Henry Rollins Talk Rock & Roll Vampire Film “Suck”

September 23rd, 2009 by Karen Bliss Leave a reply »

Photo: Rafy

Suck has the potential to become a cult classic like The Rocky Horror Picture Show with one-liners that beg communal recitation. But Canadian director/writer Rob Stefaniuk told Rolling Stone the campy comedy — which stars Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, Moby, Henry Rollins and Burning Brides’ Dimitri Coats — wasn’t exactly an easy sell. “It took me five years to make this movie because it’s kind of weird — a Canadian vampire movie with rock & roll. Most people don’t just jump up and go, ‘Yeah!’ ” he said before the worldwide premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, where he hoped to land a U.S. distributor.

Jessica Paré (The Trotsky, Wicker Park) stars as the bassist of indie band the Winners, who returns from a wild night out as a sexy vampire — the perfect gimmick to help the band blow up. Malcolm McDowell (Heroes, A Clockwork Orange) plays Van Helsing while Dave Foley (Kids In The Hall) is the band’s manager.

As a music producer with a well-developed radar for blood suckers, Pop gets to deliver the line “Wear a condom and never trust a vampire.” “Yeah, that was a wonderful. I really related to that,” Pop told Rolling Stone, laughing. “I was reading it in the script and I thought, ‘This is great. I felt that before.’ ‘Please pass the groupie’ is probably the best line.”

Pop was the first musician Stefaniuk lured to the project with a letter offering him a choice of roles. “I went for the least flamboyant, most human one because that was more the area I’d like to experiment, especially on film,” Pop says. “I thought Moby [as a meat-eating metal singer] and Alice [as a mysterious bartender]...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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