Jack White’s “Fly Farm Blues” From “It Might Get Loud” Arrives

August 13th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »


Jack White’s “Fly Farm Blues,” his contribution to the upcoming guitar god documentary It Might Get Loud, was released as a download at both iTunes and White’s Third Man Records music store today. As the story goes, White wrote and recorded the song in all of 10 minutes, with the It Might Get Loud film crew witnessing the song’s entire genesis and completion. While the film won’t hit New York and Los Angeles theaters until tomorrow, you can listen to the track below:

As Rolling Stone reported from the Los Angeles Film Festival in June, where the documentary debuted, It Might Get Loud features White, U2’s The Edge and Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page discussing the art of being a guitar slinger, culminating in a jam session together that will undoubtedly think you’ve died and gone to “rock heaven,” as Peter Travers wrote in his glowing three-and-a-half star review of the film. One scene finds each member of the trio playing wild bottleneck slide guitar on Zeppelin’s “In My Time of Dying.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a guitar or a sitar or a keyboard or a synthesizer. We’re getting into something better than that, deeper than that,” White told Rolling Stone at the film’s premiere. “I need to feel it. I’ve gone through things where I go onstage and the sound guy at sound check comes over and he’ll hold the decibel meter and show it to me while we’re playing — and it’s 127 decibels.”

Related Stories:

• Guitar Gods Crank It Up for New Doc “It Might Get Loud”
• Guitar Heroes Unite on “It Might Get Loud” Movie Poster
• 100 Greatest Guitarists


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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