Jill Sobule Slams Katy Perry Over Borrowing Title “I Kissed a Girl”

August 3rd, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo:Bank/WireImage(Sobule), Levey/WireImage(Perry)

It’s taken over a year, but alternative-era rocker Jill Sobule has finally admitted she’s angry about Katy Perry’s use of the song title “I Kissed A Girl.” You’d think that the past 12 months would have tempered some of Sobule’s anger toward Perry, but judging by Sobule’s comments to The Rumpus (via The Daily Swarm), her bottled displeasure has been finally unleashed, with Sobule going as far as calling Perry a “fucking little slut.” Last summer, Sobule told EW she didn’t “feel precious about the title … although I will admit that I do smile when a critique mentions my version in a more favorable light. Is that wrong?”

In her new interview, Sobule reiterates she was cool with the song at first. Although Katy Perry is trying to stop designer Katie Perry from using of her name, Sobule says you can’t copyright a song title so she had no legal argument against Perry’s song. “As a musician I have always refrained from criticizing another artist. I was, ‘well, good for her.’ It did bug me a little bit, however, when she said she came up with the idea for the title in a dream,” Sobule tells the Rumpus. “In truth, she wrote it with a team of professional writers and was signed by the very same guy that signed me in 1995. I have not mentioned that in interviews as I don’t want to sound bitter or petty… ’cause, that’s not me.”

However, in the very next sentence, Sobule finally lets loose 18 months of frustration and jealousy, saying for the first time, “Fuck you Katy Perry, you fucking stupid, maybe ‘not good for the gays,’ title thieving, haven’t heard much else, so not quite sure if you’re talented, fucking little slut.” To Pe...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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