Joe Perry Gives Steven Tyler Silent Treatment Over Canceled Aerosmith Tour

September 18th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Kane/WireImage

Fans aren’t the only ones frustrated over the cancellation of Aerosmith’s summer trek. In an interview with the AP, guitarist Joe Perry expressed extreme disappointment that the band was unable to see the tour to its end—so much so that Perry hasn’t spoken to lead singer Steven Tyler in over a month.

“The tour was building up to be a great tour, and I was pretty [upset], you know,” Perry told the AP. “I haven’t talked to him in over five weeks. I don’t know what’s going on with him. I hear he’s getting better, but I don’t know I really don’t know what’s going on with him.” As Rolling Stone previously reported, the Rock & Roll Hall of Famers canceled their trek with ZZ Top after Steven Tyler fell off the stage during a concert in South Dakota on August 5th, suffering a broken shoulder and requiring 20 stitches to the back of his head. Tyler’s fall was one of several health-related pitfalls that found Aerosmith postponing dates and using substitute members.

Speaking to Rolling Stone last month, Steven Tyler addressed rumors that there was dissent among the band members. “Someone is leaking stuff, pretending to know, and you know, I don’t even care. Has the band done things to me where I’ve wanted to quit? Positively,” Tyler said, “But I’ve stuck in there for the sake of a few sounds we got. I respect the power this band has in and of itself, regardless of who says what.” Tyler added that “Shit’s cool” between he and his band members.

However, Perry’s comments to the AP seem to paint a different story. “All I know is [Tyler's] got to get his act together. I mean, he and I haven’t written a song together alone in the same room in over ten years, so there’...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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