Lady Gaga Brings “Bad Romance,” Sense of Humor to “Leno”

November 24th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Network television had a case of “Bad Romance” on two consecutive nights as Lady Gaga followed up her American Music Awards performance by bringing The Fame Monster single to the The Jay Leno Show yesterday. Donning the biggest shoulder pads this side of David Byrne, Lady Gaga and her gang of masked dancers gave fans a preview of what they can expect when The Monster Ball tour finally embarks this Friday in Montreal. To Leno’s relief, no glass was smashed during this performance of “Bad Romance.”

From Gaga to Green Day: the AMAs, in photos.

Following the performance, Gaga sat down with Leno to talk about playing for the Queen of England, what her music sounded like when she was in Catholic School (”My music was different in high school. I was singing about love. Things I don’t care about anymore”) and that rule that disqualifies Gaga from being nominated for the Grammy she was the favorite for. “Well, I’ve been locked out of the Best New Artist category… I was a new artist this year. But it’s fine, I wouldn’t be screwing anyone over there to have them take the award,” Gaga joked. “I’ve been nominated in the past, so technically due to songwriting and things, I’m not a new artist. But it’s OK, because the biggest reward for me has been my fans.”

Check out Lady Gaga’s wildest wardrobe moments.

The interview with Leno also let Gaga to show off her sense of humor, one of the Hot Diva’s traits that is often overlooked due to her outrageous outfits and shocking performances. When Jay asked Gaga what’s her worst rumor — giving the star a platform to respond to those rumors — Gaga simply said, “That I’m from Yonkers. There’s all sorts of rumors about me, but that’s my least favorite.” Gaga also expressed displeasure that her Wikipedia page refuses to change her place ...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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