Morrissey Collapses Onstage, Later Discharged From Hospital

October 26th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Winter/Getty
Morrissey collapsed onstage on October 24th, just one song into his performance at Swindon, England’s Oasis Leisure Centre. The singer reportedly had trouble breathing during the concert, according to the Times Online, and he fell to his knees after completing the first song. Band members carried an unconscious Morrissey off the stage and paramedics were called to the scene. Morrissey regained consciousness by the time ambulances arrived, and the singer was taken to a nearby hospital.

Concertgoers said Morrissey “winced” as he performed the show’s opening song “This Charming Man,” eventually falling to his knees and collapsing. Twenty-five minutes after Morrissey’s fall, a crew member alerted the audience that the singer was “seriously ill” and that the performance was canceled. A spokesperson for the Great Western Hospital, where Morrissey was admitted after his collapse in Swindon, said in a statement, “Morrissey became unwell last night. He was admitted overnight as a precautionary measure. He was seen this morning and was much improved and has now been discharged.”

Check out our collection of Morrissey photos.

The former Smiths frontman has canceled his scheduled concert tonight at the Bournemouth’s Opera House due to “medical advice,” the singer’s official Website announced this morning. Many of the concerts on the current Swords tour are rescheduled dates after Morrissey canceled a handful of U.K. shows in May 2009, citing an “unspecified illness” that prevented him from singing. In fact, tomorrow night’s concert at London’s Royal Albert Hall was originally scheduled for May 11th, 2009. Morrissey also canceled four shows in Florida in March 2009 due to illness.

The initial reaction at the Swindon concert after M...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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