News Ticker: Aerosmith and Josh Todd, Metallica, New Orleans Jazz Fest, David Byrne

December 15th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Coppola/FilmMagic

  • RS readers voted Buckcherry’s Josh Todd the best replacement for Steven Tyler, but Todd tells us he doesn’t want the Aerosmith gig. “He’s been a huge inspiration for me and Buckcherry. I truly believe that no one can take his place and hopefully they patch things up. I am the singer of Buckcherry and we are currently hard at work on the next record. Hopefully we will see an Aerosmith/Buckcherry tour in the future.”

  • Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer are booked to share the same stage for the first time at European Sonisphere shows in Poland and the Czech Republic. The big gigs go down June 16th and 19th, according to Metallica’s Website.
  • Pearl Jam, Van Morrison and Aretha Franklin have been confirmed as headliners for 2010’s New Orleans Jazz Fest. The AP reports the festival is scheduled for the weekends of April 23rd-25th and April 29th-May 2nd.
  • David Byrne and Fatboy Slim have teamed for Here Lies Love, due in February on Nonesuch. The album features guest singers including Santigold, Sia, St. Vincent and more.

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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