News Ticker: Christina Aguilera, Paul Westerberg, MTV Movie Awards, Ke$ha

March 22nd, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Macon/AFP/Getty

  • Christina Aguilera has relaunched her official website in anticipation of her upcoming album Bionic. A countdown clock is ticking down to tomorrow, when the site promises “Big News” will be revealed. For more on Bionic, check out our Spring Music Preview.

  • The same day SXSW paid tribute to Alex Chilton, Paul Westerberg wrote a New York Times op-ed about his mentor, explaining how the last time the two saw each other, the Big Star singer revealed he was living in a tent in Tennessee.
  • Comic and Parks and Recreation star Aziz Ansari is booked to host MTV’s 2010 Movie Awards, according to the L.A. Times‘ Showtracker blog. The show will air live from the Gibson Amphitheatre on June 6th.
  • Sources tell Ke$ha will bring her glitter and fierce attitude to Saturday Night Live on April 17th, when she’ll serve as the musical guest for the episode hosted by Ryan Phillippe.

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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