News Ticker: Lady Gaga, Johnny Cash, Frankie Muniz, Pete Doherty

December 22nd, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Mazur/

  • Lady Gaga tells MTV News the stage on her revamped Monster Ball Tour for 2010 will be “four times the size of the one we’re on now and conceptually, it’s completely different” and that Danish popsters Alphabeat will be her new opening act.

  • Amazon has a listing for an import version of Johnny Cash’s American VI: Aint No Grave, another Rick Rubin-produced LP in his “American” series, with a release date of February 23, 2010, Twentyfourbit notes. The release is still unconfirmed by label reps.
  • Rather than become one of our Forgotten Faces, Malcolm in the Middle actor Frankie Muniz has joined Arizona band You Hang Up.
  • Pete Doherty was arrested on drug charges yesterday immediately after leaving court, where he was sentenced for reckless driving, Spinner reports.

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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