News Ticker: Michael Jackson, Record Store Day, Madonna, Pearl Jam

March 31st, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »
  • Joe Jackson plans to file a wrongful death suit against Dr. Conrad Murray, the man charged with Michael’s death, within the next 90 days, his attorney tells Reuters. “The continuous administration of drugs … that is Russian roulette, that is loading six bullets into a gun with only six chambers,” lawyer Brian Oxman said.

  • The Flaming Lips, Sonic Youth and Pavement have announced new contributions to April 17th’s Record Store Day, which as RS reported, will feature a Smashing Pumpkins gig in L.A.: the Lips will release 12″ seafoam green vinyl of their Dark Side of the Moon cover, Pavement will unleash a special edition of best-of Quarantine the Past, and Sonic Youth are prepping vinyl reissues of Confusion Is Sex, EVOL and Hits Are For Squares.
  • Madonna and her daughter Lourdes are teaming up on a new fashion line for juniors. Material Girl will debut at Macy’s this fall, the AP reports. “I am boring basically,” the singer said of why working with her daughter is inspiring. “She reminds me of me when I was younger. She just goes for it and tries different things.”
  • Pearl Jam’s Stone Gossard told Reuters about the band’s commitment to slowing climate change in a new interview: “We’re seeing ourselves as a Washington business, a regional business that is acknowledging its carbon footprint and hoping to inspire other businesses.”

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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