News Ticker: Peter Gabriel, U2, We Are the Fallen, Paula Abdul

October 29th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Harvey/WireImage

  • Peter Gabriel’s first new album in seven years will be an orchestral spring 2010 “song swap” called Scratch My Back where he and other big-name collaborators reinterpret each others’ songs, according to the Guardian. His collaborator John Metcalfe wouldn’t name names or confirm the validity of a leaked track list that includes Radiohead, Arcade Fire and David Bowie on it.

  • Universal Republic has signed We Are the Fallen, the band of former Evanescence members fronted by American Idol alum Carly Smithson, Blabbermouth reports.
  • YouTube’s Webcast of U2’s Rose Bowl 360° Tour show Sunday night drew 10 million viewers, Variety reports.
  • Paula Abdul is still being coy as to whether she’d join the judges table on So You Think You Can Dance, telling EW it’s “an intriguing offer” but she “might need a break from judging for awhile.”

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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