News Ticker: Slipknot, Michelle Branch, OohLaLA Festival, Rhythms del Mundo

July 28th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Bozon/AFP/Getty

  • To commemorate the 10-year anniversary of their self-titled debut, Slipknot will release a special edition of Slipknot that includes demos, B sides, remixes and a bonus documentary called of the (sic): Your Nightmares, Our Dreams. The band will also play a one-day festival in their Des Moines, Iowa, home. The release and the show are both scheduled for September 9th.

  • Michelle Branch will return with Everything Comes and Goes, her first solo album in six years, in the fall. First single “Sooner or Later” will make its iTunes premiere today and hit radio August 11th.
  • On September 23rd-25th, Los Angeles’ Henry Fonda Theatre will host OohLaLA, a festival produced by Goldenvoice (Coachalla, All Points West) devoted to spotlighting the influence of the French music scene. Sébastien Tellier, Gonzales and Nouvelle Vague are set to perform.
  • The Killers cover “Hotel California” and KT Tunstall takes on “Because the Night” for Decca’s Rhythms del Mundo album Classics, a record that seeks to bring awareness to climate change.

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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