OK Go Explain Viral Video Woes in “New York Times” Op-Ed

February 22nd, 2010 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Rose/WireImage

OK Go’s very public fight with their label over the fate of their music videos reached the pages of the New York Times this weekend as the group’s lead singer Damien Kulash penned an op-ed piece detailing how EMI’s “no embedding stance” has affected the band’s popularity and income. As Rolling Stone previously reported, at the heart of the battle is OK Go’s desire to make their upcoming music video for Of the Blue Colour of the Sky’s “This Too Shall Pass” an embeddable YouTube clip, even though EMI bans embeds because the label only gets royalties when viewers actually visit YouTube. Kulash previously authored an open letter to EMI objecting to their policy.

OK Go’s first hit was their video for “Here It Goes Again,” which the band filmed with their own money. The clip went on to become one of the most viewed music videos of the decade, thanks in large part to the blog community that embedded it on their sites. However, EMI eventually changed course and yanked the embeds. “The numbers are shocking: When EMI disabled the embedding feature, views of our treadmill video dropped 90 percent, from about 10,000 per day to just over 1,000,” Kulash writes in the Times. “Our last royalty statement from the label, which covered six months of streams, shows a whopping $27.77 credit to our account.”

The band will debut their second video for their single “This Too Shall Pass” on March 1st. (Watch a behind-the-scenes clip of the viral video here.) The single’s first video, which featured the group walking through a field dressed as a marching band, is currently posted on YouTube, but remains unembeddable. “In these tight times, it’s no surprise that EMI is trying to wring revenue out of everything we make, including ou...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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