OK Go Slap a Tetherball for “This Too Shall Pass”: Behind the Clip

March 1st, 2010 by Matt Murphy Leave a reply »

OK Go’s insanely complex video for Of the Blue Colour of the Sky single “This Too Shall Pass” will finally make its (embeddable!) premiere tonight at 7 pm EST, but before the band reveals their latest viral achievement, Rolling Stone has another behind-the-scenes clip from the video’s construction site in a Los Angeles warehouse.

As Rolling Stone previously reported, for their second “This Too Shall Pass” clip, OK Go and the geniuses over at Syyn Labs and MIT’s Media Lab created a two-story-tall Rube Goldberg-esque structure. Picture that old board game Mouse Trap and multiply it by several thousand. In our short exclusive clip, we present a blooper from the contraption’s test run, with a tetherball somehow figuring in to the grand scheme.

Given the amount of time and effort OK Go put into the video, it should come as no surprise that frontman Damian Kulash was adamant that his label EMI disregard their own “No Embedding” policy so that “This Too Shall Pass” can be distributed freely throughout the Internet, much like the band’s star-making treadmill vid for “Here It Goes Again” in 2006. Kulash successfully pleaded his case, both in the band’s blog and in the New York Times. Be sure to check back here later tonight to catch OK Go’s new viral video, and until then, enjoy the blooper above and OK Go’s making-of video here.

Related Stories:

• OK Go Hire Big Brains for “This Too Shall Pass” Video: Watch a Clip
• OK Go Explain Viral Video Woes in “New York Times” Op-Ed
• OK Go Struggle With Label’s Rules Banning Embedded Video


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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