Paula Abdul Considering Talk Show, Says She’s Loyal to “Idol”

August 31st, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Merritt/Getty

Outside of a few tweets, some rumor mongering and the occasional impromptu airport terminal interview, Paula Abdul has remained mostly silent since revealing that she would not be at the judge’s table for the upcoming season of American Idol. Now Abdul is setting the record straight for the first time since her shocking announcement, telling TV Guide why she decided to leave Idol and what she possibly has planned for the next chapter of her career.

Perhaps the most surprising admission Abdul makes in her TV Guide interview is she still plans to be loyal to American Idol when it returns to the airwaves. “I’ll watch it as much as I can. I had some really unforgettable moments that hit plateaus for me and I’m very blessed to have been a part of what made television history,” Abdul says, adding that she still keeps in contact with Simon Cowell.

As for her post-Idol plans, in addition to a guest role on the show Drop Dead Diva — where Abdul will play, fittingly, a judge — Abdul makes it clear that she hopes to host her own talk show. “I’d be Paula. It would be a lot of fun variety with a ton of unexpected stuff and tributes to everyday people getting their big chance,” Abdul tells TV Guide about her possible talk show.

While a monetary disagreement between Abdul and AI producers is often cited as the reason Paula left Idol, Abdul insinuates that as sources have speculated, feeling disrespected was one of the factors responsible for her departure. “I stand on principle where many people stand on money,” Abdul says. Despite reports claiming Abdul wants to return Idol, if producers were willing to bridge the salary gap and reward Abdul a contract more in league with her colleagues, Abdul is quiet about a possible return. She tells TVG, “That’s a hard q...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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