Rihanna “Ashamed” By Chris Brown Assault, Says “Love Is Blind” in New Interview

November 5th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Astute/ABC

Rihanna broke her silence and described how her relationship with Chris Brown turned violent in the first of two interviews with ABC News today on Good Morning America. “This happened to me and it could happen to anybody,” Rihanna told Diane Sawyer. “There’s a lot of women who experienced what I did, but not in the public. I just thought, ‘There goes my little bit of privacy.’ ” (Watch a clip of the GMA interview, after the jump.)

Rihanna and Chris Brown’s Grammy Weekend: Photos of the days and hours before the infamous fight.

According to Sawyer, Rihanna will describe precisely what happened on February 8th in Brown’s rented Lamborghini in the second part of the interview, which airs Friday night on 20/20. In tomorrow’s segment, Rihanna tells Sawyer, “That’s all I kept thinking about the whole time. When’s it going to stop, when’s it going to stop?” when asked about the assault.

This morning, Rihanna did discuss why she was “ashamed” by the incident, and why she remained silent in the weeks following Brown’s arrest. “I fell in love with that person, and it’s embarrassing that’s the type of person that I fell in love with. So far in love, so unconditional, that I went back,” Rihanna said, confirming rumors that she and Brown did in fact reconnect after the assault. “It’s completely normal to go back. You start lying to yourself. The minute the physical wounds go away, you want this whole thing to go away, this is a memory you don’t want to have ever again.”

It wasn’t until Rihanna saw the impact her decision had on her fans that she finally broke away from Brown. “That’s not what I want to teach people. When I realize that my selfish decision for love c...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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