Rihanna Breaks Silence About Chris Brown Incident in Emotional “20/20″ Interview

November 9th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Rihanna’s first televised interview since her February 8th altercation with Chris Brown finally aired on Friday during the November 6th episode of 20/20. While excerpts of Rihanna’s conversation with Diane Sawyer appeared on Good Morning America earlier last week, the full 20/20 interview provided more details of the assault and its aftermath, including why Rihanna returned to Brown only three weeks after the incident and Rihanna’s reaction to the shocking leaked photograph of her battered face.

“I get very embarrassed, I feel humiliated. I get angry, all over again. Every time I see it, the whole thing plays back in my head,” Rihanna said of the leaked photograph that appeared on TMZ in the days following the assault. “It’s humiliating to see your face like that.” Rihanna also lashed out at those who said she must have provoked Brown in some way prior to the assault. “It’s ignorance,” Rihanna said, adding that at no point did she hit Brown. “Because even if I hit him first, that makes it okay for him to do that to me?”

Rihanna and Chris Brown’s Grammy Weekend: Photos of the days and hours before the infamous fight.

On March 1st, just three weeks after the incident, Rihanna joined Brown in Miami, something she recognizes now was a “selfish” mistake because of the message it sent to her female fans. “I was still attached by love,” Rihanna said, “but I wasn’t thinking about the reality of the situation. ‘If I feel this depressed, then what is he going through?’ I had to protect him. The whole world hates him now. His fans, his career. He lost me. I just need to let him know, ‘Don’t do anything stupid.’ ” Shortly after their Miami rendezvous, Rihanna ended their relationship.

Just hours before Rihanna’s 20/20 interview aired, Brown’s own MTV interview ran in which...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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