Rock Daily By the Numbers: The Official 2009 Blog-Down

December 31st, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: McCormack/; SCHMIDT/AFP/Getty Images;Kravitz/FilmMagic; Kempin/

As we say farewell to 2009 and welcome a new decade, Rolling Stone looks back at the biggest stories, funniest headlines and “all the news that fit” in 2009. It was the year we lost the King of Pop, the year Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga exploded, the year U2 cemented their reputation as the biggest band on Earth and the year Barack Obama gave America a new hope. It was the Year of the Supergroup and the Year of Twitter. How many times did we write about the Rihanna and Chris Brown saga? What post draw the most reader comments? Check out our year-end stats below, and flip through our best-of lists:

2009’s Most Blogged
The Death of Michael Jackson: 131 stories
The Rise of Adam Lambert: 65
Rihanna and Chris Brown: 51
U2 in 2009: 44
Barack Obama’s Inauguration: 14
Aerosmith Breaking Up?: 11
Aerosmith-Related Injuries: 10
Lil Wayne’s (Still-Delayed) Rebirth: 11
Taylor Swift’s Kanyegate: 9
Joaquin Phoenix’s Meltdown: 5
The Rise of Lady Gaga: ∞
Lady Gaga Headlines in 2008: 0

Top 5 Most Commented Stories of 2009
1. Kanye West Storms the VMAs Stage During Taylor Swift’s Speech
2. Adam Lambert Shocks American Music Awards With Racy “For Your Entertainment”
3. Judith Hill: “Heal The World” Singer From Jackson Memorial Revealed
4. Tokio Hotel’s Album Cover and “Humanoid” Single: Sneak Peek
5. “Diddy” Gets in Touch With Rolling Stone, But Fails to Mention “Notorious” Soundtrack

Reunion Stories
# of reunion stories about Blink-182: 7
# of reunion stories about No Doubt: 6
# of reunion stories about Pavement: 5
# of reunion storie...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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