Runaways on “The Runaways”: Hookups, Meltdowns and What You Won’t See Onscreen

April 6th, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photograph by Terry Richardson for
This weekend, The Runaways opens in wide release and audiences across America will get a good look at Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning as the leaders of the Seventies girl-punk icons, Joan Jett and Cherie Currie. Rolling Stone tracked down the young stars and went behind the scenes of the Floria Sigismondi-directed film for Secrets of The Runaways — and now the original bandmembers are speaking out about the biopic and what really went down during the band’s brief rollercoaster career.

Check out photos from the set of The Runaways.

Like guitarist Jett and singer Currie, the band’s manager Kim Fowley signed over the rights to his story in order to have some say in how he was depicted. (But because the movie is based on Currie’s memoir Neon Angel, his control was limited). And since The Runaways is a drama rather than a documentary, the filmmakers did allow themselves dramatic license. Guitarist Lita Ford, who wasn’t quiet about her dissatisfaction with the film’s development, is kept in the background of the story, and bassist Jackie Fox, who refused to cooperate with the production, is represented by a fictitious composite character. Given such compromises, how close can the picture be to the truth? Currie, Jett, Ford, and Fowley share their experiences with RS here:

• The Runaways on “The Runaways”


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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