Springsteen’s Epic Decade: Bruce on “The Rising” to the “Dream”

December 22nd, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Photo: Kambouris/WireImage.com

The Rolling Stone editors picked eight stars — from Bruce and Beyoncé to Radiohead and U2 — who not only made the best music but also led the way as Artists of the Decade in our new issue, which also includes our best albums and songs of the 2000s. Here’s more of our conversation with Bruce Springsteen from our interview backstage in Buffalo, New York, on the final date of the E Street Band’s two-year tour. Springsteen opens up about the making of The Rising (”I was interested in a renewal of the band — and that meant I would need to write the kind of music that would stand alongside our best records and feel connected to the sense of purpose that the band strove for since its inception”) and the E Street Band’s massive tour (”The band hit the road in this decade as the best E Street Band that’s been out there”), as well as his plans for the next 10 years (”I certainly want us to go out and continue touring”).

• Springsteen’s Epic Decade: Bruce on “The Rising” to “Working on a Dream”

Read our other Artists of the Decade interviews here:

• The Decade in U2: The Edge Looks Back
• The Decade in Radiohead: Ed O’Brien on “Kid A” to “In Rainbows”


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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