Tenacious D Replace Beastie Boys at Outside Lands, Jack Black Predicts “Earthquake of Rock”

August 6th, 2009 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

Photo: Winter/Getty
Tenacious D have been revealed as the Sunday, August 30th headliner at San Francisco’s Outside Lands Festival, taking the place of the Beastie Boys, who were forced to cancel their headlining slot after Adam “MCA” Yauch was diagnosed with Parotid gland cancer. “It’s a thrill and an honor,” D’s Jack Black said in a conference. “It’s a thrilhonor,” added Kyle Gass, creating a new word to mark the occasion.

“I just want to say one thing: If there’s any dogs barking on the day, August 30th, before we go on, don’t be alarmed. That’s just them sensing the earthquake of rock that is coming,” Black said. “Dogs have an innate sense of knowing when a gigantic rock storm is coming.” Black also warned that the rock emanating from the speakers on August 30th might actually sever the San Andreas fault line. “California may be shaking loose from the rest of the country,” Black says.

At New Jersey’s All Points West, where Jay-Z filled in for the Beasties, the fest featured tributes to Yauch from Jigga, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Coldplay. Tenacious D say they’ll also pay homage to the Beasties at Outside Lands. “We’ve been working hard on our hip-hop.” Black said. “Beastie Boys, good friends of ours, we went on the road with them to support Barack Obama, and I think there’s more similarities than differences when you put us together.” Black also hinted that The Pick of Destiny duo might also debut a new song called “Deth Starr,” spelled specifically to avoid a Star Wars lawsuit. The song, once it graces the ears of the crowd of 60,000, will instantly be the greatest song those 60,000 people have ever heard.

Among the bands that the D are looking forward to seeing are Jack White’...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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