Two Sides of Ke$ha: Watch Her Old Radiohead Cover, New “Blah Blah Blah” Video

February 25th, 2010 by Daniel Kreps Leave a reply »

We all know Ke$ha as the glitter-loving, Paisley Park-crashing party-starter behind the record-breaking smash single “TiK ToK.” But long before she jammed a dollar-sign in her name, she was simply Kesha Sebert: a Radiohead-loving 13-year-old who sang the band’s “Karma Police” at a junior high school talent show. Yes, we now have visual evidence that before she was a glammed-out Hot 100 princess, Ke$ha was an awkward, angsty teen singing OK Computer songs in an auditorium full of her peers. Stars, they’re just like us.

The performance probably isn’t good enough to get her into Hollywood Week if it were an American Idol audition, but it’s sure as hell better than 90 percent of the versions we’ve heard at karaoke bars over the past few years. In a move that shows wisdom beyond her years, Ke$ha also wisely changes the original lyric “Hitler hairdo” to “Hateful hairdo,” as the line likely would not have went over well with the Nashville school’s PTA.

Now that you’ve seen Ke$ha-then, watch Ke$ha-now battle it out versus douchebags (she told us she hates those!) with her new clip for “Blah Blah Blah,” featuring 3Oh!3. Plus, be sure to check out our exclusive video interview where Ke$ha asks Ke$ha the hard questions about loving Bob Dylan, her Ke$hawood prank and her upcoming tour.

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Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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