Watch Mason Jennings Cover the Shins “Gone For Good,” Plus “Blood of Man” Songs

September 15th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Mason Jennings, a veteran RS Breaking artist around these parts and “one of the best acoustic-based singer-songwriters you’ve never heard,” recently stopped by the Rolling Stone offices to showcase three tracks off his new album Blood of Man, which RS called the Minnesota native’s “best album yet” in a four-star review. In addition to his Blood work, Jennings also performed a somber take on the Shins’ Chutes Too Narrow track “Gone For Good,” which Jennings was inspired to perform after a trip to Patagonia with Shins frontman James Mercer. Check out Mason’s rendition of that song above.

From Blood of Man, Jennings also strums his way through his harrowing “The Field,” which RS wrote “may be the most moving anti-war song ever written from a parent’s perspective.” Even without the feedback, fuzz and electric guitars that add a foreboding ambiance to Blood of Man, Jennings’ ragged voice and acoustic guitar perfectly capture the dark tales of addiction, loss and madness on his new LP. Below, watch Jennings’ perform “Lonely Road,” “The Field” and “Tourist.”

“Lonely Road”

“The Field”



Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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