Watch the Strokes’ Hammond Jr. in the Studio With the Postelles

February 26th, 2010 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

On Tuesday, the Postelles will unleash a four-track EP called White Night, which features production by the Strokes’ Albert Hammond Jr. and a remix by Grizzly Bear’s Chris Taylor. Like the Strokes, the band’s members met in high school on Manhattan’s Upper West Side but soon adopted a downtown musical mentality that captured Hammond’s ear. “They found a cool sound reminiscent of the late Fifties, early Sixties that I really liked, but they had their own take on it,” the guitarist told us when we joined him in the studio with the Postelles last year. Rolling Stone has described their aesthetic as a meld of the Strokes and and the Knack.

Watch bassist John Speyer and drummer Billy Cadden at work with their Strokes mentor in our exclusive studio footage above, as they muse on their influences and how they gel on their new tracks. Plus, grab “White Night” for the cost of your e-mail address here:


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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