Wentz on Fall Out Boy’s Status: Twitter Needs “A Sarcastic Font”

February 17th, 2010 by Jennifer Vineyard Leave a reply »

Photo: Wargo/WireImage
Pete Wentz has been making a lot of statements lately – on his blog, on Twitter and on his T-shirts for his Clandestine clothing line. So how can it be that there is still confusion regarding Fall Out Boy’s situation? Is the band broken up? On a break? What’s the deal?

The bassist tried to help clear things up backstage at Clandestine’s show presented by STYLE360 during New York’s Fashion Week on Tuesday night, when he explained that not all things posted on Twitter are meant to be taken too seriously. “We need a sarcastic font for Twitter,” Wentz said, “so you can type in that font, and people can be like, ‘Oh, he’s being sarcastic right now. We need an actual font.”

That’s because some things that the members of Fall Out Boy (as well as their friends) have tweeted are just jokes (such as Mark Hoppus and John Mayer joining or quitting the band). But some things were serious. How to tell the difference? Even Wentz has a hard time figuring it out, “because I’m manic, I flip back and forth, you know?”

“But to make it really clear,” he said, “we were just burned out, and we need a break. The status is still not changed from the very beginning. We’re just taking a break.”

All the hubbub about the band’s possible demise is “blown so far out of proportion,” Wentz said. “It’s insane. All the pull quotes — ‘I quit Fall Out Boy,’ or ‘Fall Out Boy is on hiatus,’ or ‘Fall Out Boy is broken up’ — more people want to read that article, and I understand that.

“I think the real problem is that we haven’t given people a definitive time of when we’re coming back, or that we’re coming back, but not that we’re not, eith...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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